Tuesday, May 8, 2007

((~ Pokeshipping ~))

$$##$$ Yo yo yo! Hey people! Sorry for not updating since.... umm.... lemme check..... APRIL 24!?!?!?!?!?! Oh my gosh! I'm soooo sorry! I've been getting carried away with fanfiction.net. I love that website and I just started adding stories to it ALL about Pokemon and Contestshipping. YAAA! Well since I haven't said anything accept clues and a few pics for Pokeshipping, I thought "Ah... Sure! Why not?" So here I am! Okay... just wondering... does anyone NOT believe in this???? I mean, they were the ORGINAL Pokelove couple. ((Along with Rocketshipping)) All I can say about it is Misty has a mallet and Ash is clueless. And, well, they aren't my favorite couple. I like... other *goes into coughing fit coughcoughMAYANDDREW4EVAXOXOXO!!!! sorry! as I was saying, I like other couples a lot more but I deffinetly support Pokeshipping all the way. So peace my homies! And chill!

$$##$$ P.S. SEASON 10 COMES OUT IN JUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S.S. They chenged Hikari, the original name of the new character in season ten, to Dawn. But only for the US!!!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

((~ All of the Shippings ~))

$$##$$ Hey homeslices! Ya so I'm making a list of all the shippings. Sorry if I miss some. If I do, drop a comment and I'll eddit it. So let's begin.

Shipping Couple

Rocketshipping Jessie and James
Pokeshipping Ash and Misty
Redshipping Ash and Jessie
Contestshipping May and Drew
Idolshipping ((Assistantshipping)) Tracy and Prof. Oak
Bouldershipping Ash and Brock
Respectshipping Ash and Drew
Altoshipping Ash and Latias
Mothershipping Misty and Togepi (( They mean like mother and daughter. How lovely!))
Questshipping Jimmy and Marina ((They only appear in about one or two regular season episodes and a LOT of the Pokemon Chronicles. I LOVE THEM!!!! Questshipper 4 EVA))
Danceshipping Misty and Rudy ((Rudy is another one that appears in like one or two episodes and Ash get's TOTTALLY JEALOUS! I LOVE IT!))
Hoennshipping May and Brendan
Waterflowershipping Misty and Drew ((EEEEEWWWW! Misty is made for Ash and Drew is made for May. In the words of Avril Lavigne "What more can I say?" XP))
Egoshipping Misty and Gary

$$##$$ Like I said, if I missed some, drop a comment! Ok! Bye for now my peeps!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


$##$ I heard ANOTHER new shipping today called Altoshipping. Altoshipping is the pair of Ash and Latios.

You may ask "How is Ash paired up with a pokemon?" Well here's the thing. In the movie "Pokemon Heroes" at the end, Ash gets kissed on the cheek by Latios. But Latios is disguised as her best friend, Bianca, so the mystery is "Who kisses Ash, Bianca or Latios?" The answer is Latios. If you notice, when Latios shape shifts into Bianca ((She does it numerous times)) her eyes don't change. And Bianca and Latios both have different eyes so via la.

Altoshipping gets it's name from the city "Pokemon Heroes" takes place in, Altimore. I do not believe in Altoshipping for two reasons. One being that Misty is still with Ash and Brock in the movie. Another being that I don't beleive in Poke/Human love. Pokemon are meant for Pokemon and Humans are meant for Humans. One more thing before I drop out. Pokemon Sinno Region premiers Friday, April 20! Can't wait! Any way, yes, the move is still on to free webs. It takes a long time to move this but until I do I will most deffinetly still do updates here.

Monday, April 9, 2007

((~ FAKE! ~))

$$##$$ I was studying that AAML picture even more cuz not knowing whether it was fake or real was bugging me. Well, even though I pleaded it was real, it turns out it's fake. *Starts sobbing, again. * I found out when I was looking at it. I looked at everything, or so I thought, but sometimes looking at the little details, makes you over look the big ones. What am I rambling about? Well if you look at their clothes, Ash is in his new clothes, but Misty is in her old clothes. What does that have to do with anything? Misty got her new clothes before Ash got his, so it's fake. Kudos to whoever made the fogrery. You almost got me! But no. I AM THE MASTER OF PHOTO TRICKERY!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA! Okay sorry guys. Got a little maniacal there.

P.S. I'm still moving and I'm still not sure of the website. Sorry my fans! ((If any!!))

Saturday, April 7, 2007

(( ~ Moving ~))

$$##$$ Hey my peeps! What up? Any way, just a quick notice here. I'm moving my website to freewebs. I'm not sure of the website yet, but I'll post it when I know. Thanks and peace out.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

(( ~Pearlshipping ~))

$##$ Hey! It's me! Okay, so I heard of this thing today, called pearlshipping. Apparently that is the couple of Ash and Hikari. Hikari is the new character in the new region. I haven't seen any of the new episodes yet because they haven't been released in USA yet but I read a lot about them. Then I got curious to see if people were already pairing up the two and it turns out, they are and it is called pearlshipping.

$##$ Do I believe in it? I don't know because as I said before, I haven't seen the two yet. I might be a pearlshipper if Hikari doesn't have someone to love besides Ash ((Example: May has Drew so I don't believe in Advanced pokeshipping.)) and vice versa for Ash. At the same time I also might not believe in it if there aren't enough clues. So I'll update on this as soon as I see the two together. I think I read somewhere that the first episode of the new season is released on April 16 or somewhere around that time. Thanks and PEACE!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

((~ Cute Pics! ~))

$$##$$ "Are you serious!?!"
$$##$$ I thought Misty was
bigger than Ash.

$$##$$ GET AWAY! He's
May's not your's!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

((~ Real or Not ~))

$$##$$ I'm almost positive that this picture is real yet I'm not sure. These are the following reasons:
1. If it were real, it would be all over google images, which it isn't.
2. If it were fake, the animation wouldn't be the same as the actual shows, and they wouldn't have the shading in the right places, but in this picture they do.

$$##$$ Like I said, I think it's real, but if you disagree, drop a comment.

((~May and Drew Video~))

$$##$$ I love this video and I love the song even more. It was to cute to pass up.

((~ Clues ~))

Hey this is Carly! Here are some clues that there are definitely sparks flyin' between the two couples REAL couples.

1. Drew and May-One word: Rivals. Rivals always fall in love. ((Maybe even Ash and Gary, but I kind of believe in AAML so ya no.))
2. May and Drew are always alone unless there at a contest. And being alone leads into a cute conversation of how much they missed each other which leads into red faces so ya.
3. Umm I don't see any clues for Advanced Pokeshipping. ((the combination of May and Ash)) So that's why they threw Drew in the show. For May. <3
4. The episode where Drew and May fall off the cliff and see the Wynaut? MAJOR HINTS THERE!
5. Roses. Drew gives "Beautifly" roses. Really, of course we all know, they're for May.
May- Wait this is for Beautifly, right?
Drew- ((Flicks his hair)) Yeah, somthin' like that.
6. Ash has fought for Misty's love before.

7. Misty's always jealous.
8. Whenever Misty's scared of either a bug, a ghost, falling, etc. she grabs onto Ash.

$$##$$ I'll add more later but watch the show VERY CAREFULLY for hints. You'll see. If you don't see, then look harder because I know that I'm not crazy this time!